Monday, October 29, 2007

Science Video 2

1st Mini-Culmination

So today in class we decided on what jobs everyone was going to get. I was the Phobos Drop. I didn't get that far, but what I did get done, was making four holes on the bottom side of my parachute, then, I used hole reinforces so that the holes I made wouldn't rip when I tied the string to it. Next, I put four more holes on the top of my parachute, and hole reinforces on them too, so that when in my next class, I don't rip the parachute when I tie more string on. I'm planning to make bi-parachute.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Launching to the Moon Lab

On Friday, I did launching to the moon with Alice and Taryn. At first, we put the tube on the string, and then we taped the ping pong ball on to it. We then taped the 1st balloon on the it. It wasn't that successful, because it didn't go that far, probably about 2 inches off the ground. So, we took the tape off, so we could blow the balloon up more, and add another one too it, but the balloon popped. We added two more objects to the tube (the two red Lego sticks) so it would be heavier, and so we wouldn't have to launch that many rockets. Just when I was going to blow the 2nd balloon up, (the 1st for that round, we only had 2 balloons total) I was called to the front desk for a soccer game, so I didn't get to finish the lab. I think that if we had two balloons to tape to the tube, then the tube would go up more, because more air would be pushing it upward. I don't know if adding more weight to the tube would work or not, but I think it would, because then the tube would be a little heavier, and we would make less trips, and it is most usually easier to throw a tennis ball in the air than a feather.

Africa Map Scores

These were my scores for the Africa Map test 2.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Lego Robotics- Challenge 2 Video

Lego Robotics- Challenge 2

Today, my lab partner was Louisa. We had to design a program that had our robot follow a black line. It was really hard at first, becasue we didn't know how to start it, but then, we asked Bert for help, and he showed us. Then, We tried to make it go, but our first program didn't work, so, we tried a new order of directions. We kept switching around the order, until we could get the robot to do what we wanted the robot to do. Our sequence is at left.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Soccer on the Moon

If I were going to play soccer on the moon, it would be very different then on the earth, because instead of a gravitational pull of 9.8 m/s 2, there is a 1.6 m/s 2 gravitational pull. It would great to be the goalie, because you could block almost every goal, because you could jump really far and high, so you could get the ball. But, you couldn't do a drop kick, because when you dropped the ball to kick it, it would sort of just float around the spot that you dropped it. Running would be faster, but it would take you longer to get back onto the ground after jumping up into the air. Because of Newtons' 3rd law, you might slightly bounce back after kicking the ball, but not that much, because your mass wouldn't change, and the ball still has less mass then you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Remote Repairs

In class today, we did a lab called remote repairs. My partners were Emma S. and Anja. We had to go to different places in the lab, and IM to each other of what they had in their bags. My bag contained a bunch of different kinds of axels, some black Lego bricks, some thin long grey Lego pieces, a purple tube, and a couple other Legos. I can't remember what was in my other bag. Anja had the completed version of what was in my un-completed bag. But, before we could really get into what we were supposed to do, I was called to the front desk for a doctors appointment, and I don't know what happened after that.

Recovery Systems

Yesterday in class, I did a lab called Recovery Systems. My partners for this lab, were Kimmy and Em. In it, we had to make a parachute out of a plastic garbage bag, string, a hole puncher, hole punch reinforcement stickers, scissors, tape, and a hair dryer. Also, we had some balloons that were filled with sand. We started, by tying a sand bag to a big garbage bag, and blowing hot air from the hair dryer into it. That didn't work, because it was too flimsy, and it would fall down and crumple up really quickly. So, we cut the end of it off. Em worked with that, and made a parachute out of that the same way, but Kimmy and I wanted to make a smaller neater parachute, so we decided that Em would make a big one, I would make a small one, and Kimmy would write down what happened. Then, we would have two models (maybe more) and from that, we would decide which one worked better, and was a better model. The bigger one that Em made, fell just as easily as the one we had made original, so we tried out mine. That didn't work either, because it was too small, and the string was uneven, but it did work better. Then, Em came up with the idea of making a second parachute, and attach it to the top of my model, like a bi-plane. I'm not sure if they got a chance to make that version, because the soccer team was called to the front desk for early dismissal to go to the game, and I am on the soccer team.